Disproving Conservation of Energy
Very few scientists dare to doubt conservation of energy law; doing so tarnishes reputations and destroys carriers. Nevertheless, a simple test run on pictured gyroscope disproves it.
"This law of conservation of energy is not something we have derived from basic physics principles. Rather, it is a law based on countless experiments. Scientists and engineers have never found an exception to it. Energy simply cannot magically appear or disappear." (Jearl Walker, David Halliday, Robert Resnick (2014) Fundamentals of Physics, tenth edition, Cleveland State University, Pages 195-196)
Being kids we all played with a gyroscope and you must remember how much harder it is to tilt or flip a rotating toy than a non-rotating one. Now let’s think like adults. The only difference between resting and rotating gyroscopes is the rotation. In this particular case, RPM is directly proportional to kinetic energy. So when we flip it some of that energy must be lost due to resistance to our hands. This is what conservation of energy is about.
Description of the test: Two identical gyroscopes with equal RPM one left along to come to its full stop another we flip and turn over and tumble until it stops. Conservation of energy tells us that the one left along must take more time to stop than the other.
It doesn't take sophisticated equipment to replicate the test, any kind of electrical gyroscope and a chronometer. To get a better idea about the acting forces do it barehanded. Big surprise awaits you …
P.S. In both cases the time is equal, if conservation of energy were correct it would never had happened. Also many phenomena of quantum physics could not be explained, Big Bang theory would not emerge unless co-called law were ignored.